Hello blog. Sorry I have neglected you.
It has been over a year since my last confession.
However, here we are halfway through the Masters. Since 2012, when I was but 1 point away from getting a distinction on H800: Technology enhanced learning, Practices and debates. Since then mostly time has been spent focusing on work and my it's been a busy year.
But time to get the brain back into focus. This time a new direction. Since MAODE has opened up some alternative modules I have decided to dip my brain into developmental child psychology and focus on children rather than adults for a change. After all my job involves both children and adults.
As well as learning some new stuff about psychology, it will be interesting to reflect on online interaction with this new group of students. I am moving from a module that was 100% focused on online learning and interaction with fellow students in a virtual land was a vital component. Now, we are entering a more traditional OU landscape, where despite material being available online, you get a package delivered. Already it seems that most people interact via the facebook page - a more informal approach allowing students to share more of the personal highs and lows of studying. So as well as reflecting on resources, I shall be reflecting on the personal journey and what this group of people and study afford by way of technological adaptions.
So the kindle is loaded up with Block 1 materials and we officially start next week. New year, new look.