For an amazing link to learning theories.....
1. Behaviorist Perspective
Classical Conditioning: Stimulus/Response
Ivan Pavlov 1849-1936 Classical Conditioning Theory
Behaviorism: Stimulus, Response, Reinforcement John B. Watson 1878-1958 Behaviorism Edward L. Thorndike 1874-1949 Connectivism Edwin Guthrie 1886-1959 Contiguity Theory B. F. Skinner 1904-1990 Operant Conditioning William Kaye Estes 1919 - Stimulus Sampling Theory
Neo-behaviorism: Stimulus-Response; Intervening Internal Variables; Purposive Behavior Edward C. Tolman 1886-1959 Sign Theory & Latent Learning Clark Hull 1884-1952 Drive Reduction Theory Keneth W. Spence 1907-1967 Discrimination Learning
2. Cognitive Perspective: Learning as a Mental Process
Gestalt Learning Theory: Perception, Decision making, Attention, Memory, & Problem Solving
Max Wertheimer 1880 -1943 Gestalt Learning Theory Kurt Lewin 1890 - 1947 Field Theoretical Approach Wolfgang Kohler 1887 - 1967 Insight Learning Kurt Koffka 1887 - 1941 Gestalt Theory Leon Festinger 1919 - 1989 Cognitive Dissonance
Information Processing and Computer Models
D.O. Hebb 1904 - 1985 Neurophysiologic Theory George A Miller 1920 - Information Processing Theory Allen Newell 1927 - 1992 General Problem Solver Craik & Lockhart Levels of Processing Allan Paivio 1941 - Dual Coding Theory David E. Rumelhart 1942 - Interactive Activation with Competition
Constructivism: Knowledge is Constructed; the Learner is an Active Creator
David Ausubel 1918 - 2008 Subsumption Theory Jerome Bruner 1915 - Constructivism Jean Piaget 1896 - 1990 Genetic Epistemology Jean Lave Situated Cognition Chris Argyris 1923 - Double Loop Learning Rand J. Spiro Cognitive Flexibility David Kolb Learning Styles John Flavell Metacognition Roger Schank Script Theory
Psychoanalytic: The role of the Unconscious Mind in Learning
Sigmund Freud 1856-1939 Psychoanalytic Theory of Learning
3. Humanistic Perspective: Emotions and Affect Play a Role in Learning
Abraham Maslow 1908-1970 Humanistic Theory of Learning Carl Rogers 1902-1987 Experiential Learning Jack Mezirow Transformational Learning
4. Social Learning Perspective: Learning as a group process
Lev Vygotsky 1896 - 1935 Social Constructivism Albert Bandura 1925 - Observational Learning John Seely Brown Cognitive Apprenticeship
5. General Theories of Memory & Intelligence J. R. Anderson ACT* J.P. Guilford Structure of Intellect Howard Gardner Multiple Intelligences Robert Sternberg Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
6. Instructional Theories John Bransford Anchored Instrution Lee Joseph Cronbach 1916 - 2001 Aptitude Treatment Interaction K.P. Cross CAL- Characteristics of Adult Learners Robert Gagne 1916-2002 Conditions of Learning Malcolm Knowles Andragogy Lev Landa Algo-Heuristic Mager Criterion-Referenced-Instruction Merrill Component Display Theory Reigeluth Elaboration Theory
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