Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Learning environments

I have just taken two weeks off study, following my last TMA. For the first - I was ill for the week. And the second - on holiday. (Well deserved break from the world, sailing the south coast - with little phone signal)

It's been a hectic few months, with TMAs coming each month. I now have 3 weeks for completing my examinable assignment. (Scarey - but thank goodness TMA 3 was planning it!)

Anyway, about 2 months ago I took some pictures of my actual learning environments - so here they are.

This (left)  is the path up to where I work. I walk twenty minutes from the train station to Gilwell Park in Essex, which is an activity centre and HQ for The Scout Association.

During this walk I often ponder it's an importnat perspective building environment.

On the right is my train station (I should have put this first). I check twitter and emails while waiting.

Train carriages are very importnat. Sometimes standing but normally sitting - this is where I read most papers and materials - after downloading onto my (borrowed from partner) kindle.

A lot of study happens either on my sofa or at the kitchen table - using my work laptop. If it's urgent then it tends to be at the table.

We do also have a desktop - but mostly I have found I concentrate better at the dining room table!

And very occassionally, I use some of my lunch break to do some study at work.....

And finally....the thing I can't live without now...although I do sometimes turn it smartphone. Not so much a learning environment as the other, but a portable learning device that helps me turn many places into a learning environment.

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